The nonlinear Kaldor theory of macroeconomic business cycles is combined with a classical growth mechanism to derive a deterministic model of business cycle phenomena. Sufficient conditions for the existence, uniqueness, and orbital asymptotic stability of a limit cycle are given. It is shown that the model also exhibits stochastic stability when the deterministic variables are randomly disturbed.
Kosobud, R. F., and W. D. ONeill. “Stochastic Implications of Orbital Asymptotic Stability of a Nonlinear Trade Cycle Model.” Econometrica, vol. 40, .no 1, Econometric Society, 1972, pp. 69-86,
Kosobud, R. F., and W. D. ONeill. “Stochastic Implications of Orbital Asymptotic Stability of a Nonlinear Trade Cycle Model.” Econometrica, 40, .no 1, (Econometric Society: 1972), 69-86.
Kosobud, R. F., & ONeill, W. D. (1972). Stochastic Implications of Orbital Asymptotic Stability of a Nonlinear Trade Cycle Model. Econometrica, 40(1), 69-86.
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