Members of The Econometric Society

Brendan Kline, University of Texas at Austin
Patrick Kline, UC Berkeley
Sylvia Klosin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Michael Knaus, University of Tübingen
Jan Knoepfle, Queen Mary University of London
Ami Ko, Georgetown University
Dongwoo Ko, Bank of Korea
Hyunkyu Ko, University of Utah
Dr. Paul Ko, Swarthmore College
Professor Mami Kobayashi, Ritsumeikan University
Prof Steven Koch, University of Pretoria
Mr. Narayana Kocherlakota, University of Rochester
Asen Kochov, University of Rochester
Prof Winfried Koeniger, SEW-HSG,University of St.Gallen
Dr Mats Koester, Central European University
Dr. Dongya Koh, Osaka University
Professor Kanghyock Koh, Korea University
Kyung Woong Koh, Johns Hopkins University
Professor Elon Kohlberg, Harvard Business School
Dr. David Kohn, Universidad Catolica de Chile