
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Forthcoming Articles

The following papers have been accepted and will appear in future issues of Econometrica. The links below lead to the final accepted papers in their working paper formats. The papers will be copyedited and typeset for publication.

A Comment on “Testing Models of Social Learning on Networks: Evidence from two Experiments"

Agranov, Marina, Ben Gillen, and Dotan Persitz


Can Deficits Finance Themselves?

Angeletos, George-Marios, Chen Lian and Christian K. Wolf

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Selecting the Most Effective Nudge: Evidence from a Large-Scale Experiment on Immunization

Banerjee, Abhijit, Arun G. Chandrasekhar, Suresh Dalpath, Esther Duflo, John Floretta, Matthew O. Jackson, Harini Kannan, Francine Loza, Anirudh Sankar, Anna Schrimpf, and Maheshwor Shrestha

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Adaptive, Rate-Optimal Hypothesis Testing in Nonparametric IV Models

Breunig, Christoph, and Xiaohong Chen

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On the Structure of Informationally Robust Optimal Mechanisms

Brooks, Benjamin, and Songzi Du

View Supplemental Appendix

The Rise of Fiscal Capacity: Administration and State Consolidation in the Holy Roman Empire

Cantoni, Davide, Cathrin Mohr, and Matthias Weigand

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Caution and Reference Effects

Cerreia-Vioglio, Simone, David Dillenberger, and Pietro Ortoleva

View Supplemental Appendix

Random Votes to Parties and Policies in Coalition Governments

Cervellati, Matteo, Giorgio Gulino, and Paolo Roberti

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Exact Bias Correction for Linear Adjustment of Randomized Controlled Trials

Chang, Haoge, Joel A. Middleton, and P. M. Aronow


Aggregate Implications Of Barriers To Female Entrepreneurship

Chiplunkar, Gaurav, and Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg

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Ambiguous Contracts

Dütting, Paul, Michal Feldman, Daniel Peretz and Larry Samuelson

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Erratum to “Savage’s P3 is Redundant”

Frahm, Gabriel, and Lorenz Hartman


Propagation and Amplification of Local Productivity Spillovers

Giroud, Xavier, Simone Lenzu, Quinn Maingi, and Holger Mueller

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Sparse Network Asymptotics for Logistic Regression under Possible Misspecification

Graham, Bryan S.

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Robust Real Rate Rules

Holden, Tom D.

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The Impacts of Managerial Autonomy on Firm Outcomes

Kala, Namrata

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Endogenous Production Networks under Supply Chain Uncertainty

Kopytov, Alexandr, Bineet Mishra, Kristoffer Nimark and Mathieu Taschereau-Dumouchel

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Stationary Social Learning in a Changing Environment

Levy, Raphaël, Marcin Pęski, and Nicolas Vieille

View Supplemental Appendix

Lifestyle Behaviors and Wealth-Health Gaps in Germany

Mahler, Lukas, and Minchul Yum

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Matching and Agglomeration: Theory and Evidence from Japanese Firm-to-Firm Trade

Miyauchi, Yuhei

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Spatial Unit Roots and Spurious Regression

Müller, Ulrich K., and Mark W. Watson

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Social Media and Collective Action in China

Qin, Bei, David Strömberg, and Yanhui Wu

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Historical Self-Governance and Norms of Cooperation

Rustagi, Devesh

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Privacy Preserving Signals

Strack, Philipp, and Kai Hao Yang

View Supplemental Appendix

Contractual Chains

Watson, Joel

View Supplemental Appendix