Members of The Econometric Society

Dr. Catherine Mbah, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka Anambra State Nigeria
Eric Mbakop, University of Calgary
PhD Ruth Grace MBANGO NGEA, Ecole National de Statistique et d'Economie Appliquée (ENSSEA)
Franco Mbegallo, University of Dar es Salaam
Dr Esther Mbih, University of Edinburgh
Dr. R. Preston McAfee, Google Research
Dr Dale Mcallister, university of gloucestershire
Professor Brian McCall, University of Michigan
Andrew McClellan, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Adam McCloskey, University of Colorado
Brett McCully, Collegio Carlo Alberto
Mr. Clifford Mceachin, Morgan State University
Profesor Marjore McElroy, Duke University
Dan McGee, Monash University
Dr Rory McGee, University of Western Ontario
Professor Ellen McGrattan, University of Minnesota
Professor Warwick McKibbin, Australian National University
Andrew Mckinley, University of Chicago
Professor Andrew McLennan, University of Queensland School of Economics
Dr Doug McLeod, Macquarie University
Brian McManus, University of North Carolina