Members of The Econometric Society

Dr Jiadong Gu, ZheJiang University
Dr Ran Gu, University of Essex / The Institute For Fiscal Studies
Tomas Guanziroli, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)
Dr Rohan Gudibande, Krea University
Jose-Alberto Guerra, Universidad de los Andes
Professor Emmanuel Guerre, Queen Mary University of London
M. Ababacar Sedikh Gueye, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar
Zhengqing Gui, National University of Singapore
Dr Amanda Guimbeau, Université de Sherbrooke
Prof Andreas Gulyas, University of Mannheim
Saad Gulzar, Princeton University
Diyue Guo, Xiamen University
Mr Fulin Guo, University of Cambridge
Keyu Guo, Monash University
Liang Guo, City University of Hong Kong
Naijia Guo, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Yanran Guo, University of Queensland
Assistant Professor yingni guo, Northwestern University
Ayush Gupta, Boston University
Dr. Srishti Gupta, Institute of Economic Growth
Mr. MARC GURGAND, Paris School of Economics