Members of The Econometric Society

Ekaterina Khmelnitskaya, University of Virginia
Paymon Khorrami, Duke University, Fuqua School of Business
Mr Kourosh Khounsari, Toulouse School of Economics
Ms Fydess Khundi-Mkomba, Lilongwe university of Agriculture & Natural resources (LUANAR)
Dr. Sanyyam Khurana, Ashoka University
Hyoshin Ki, University at Albany, SUNY
Dr Maral Kichian, University of Ottawa
Daido Kido, Otaru University of Commerce
Noriaki Kiguchi, Hitotsubashi UNIVERSITY
Professor Richard Kihlstom, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
Ken Kikkawa, University of British Columbia
Weerachart Kilenthong, Research Institute for Policy Evaluation and Design
Dr. LUTZ KILIAN, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Remi Kilic, Federal Reserve Board
Ph.d. Candidate Beomyun Kim, Iowa State University
Bo Min Kim, Kyungpook National University
Bokyung Kim, University of Connecticut, Storrs
Bongseop Kim, Seoul National University
Dr. Bora Kim, Nottingham University Business School China
Dr Byung -yeon Kim, Seoul National University
Professor Chang-jin Kim, University of Washington
Phd Student Cheolhwan Kim, Yale University
Chi Hyun Kim, University of Bonn
Dr. Cholwoo Kim, University of Warwick, UK