Members of The Econometric Society

Mr Abdul-Majeed Fuseini, University of Exeter
Ingvil Gaarder, University of Chicago
Prof. Xavier Gabaix, Harvard University
Francesco Gabriele, University of Southern California
Mr Smit Gade, Good Business Lab
Prof. Lola Gadea, University of Zaragoza
DR Sergio Ricardo de Brito Gadelha, National Treasury Secretariat of Brazil
PhD Bulat Gafarov, University of California, Davis
M. Thomas Gahamanyi, University of Yaoundé II Soa
Professor Qingen Gai, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Dr Christophe Gaillac, University of Oxford
Tsogbadral Galaabaatar, Toronto Metropolitan University
Dr Spyros Galanis, University of Durham
Ms. Gabriela Galassi, Bank of Canada
Dr. Peter Galbács, Budapest Business School
PROF Douglas Gale, New York University
Prof Andrea Galeotti, London Business School
Professor Jordi Galí, CREI -- Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Dr Arthur Galichere, University of Warwick
Professor Alfred Galichon, New York University