Members of The Econometric Society

Professor Jihong Lee, Seoul National University
Dr Jin Hyung Lee, Korea Fair Trade Mediation Agency
Dr. Jong Jae Lee, Wuhan University
Professor Jong-wha Lee, Korea University
Jongho Lee, Columbia University in the City of New York
Jongkwan Lee, Yonsei University
Joohyun Lee, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Dr. Joosung Lee, Sungkyunkwan University
Dr. Jooyung Lee, Bank of Korea
Jun Hyung Lee, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Juneyoung Lee, Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade
Jung Hyub Lee, The University of Tokyo
Jungho Lee, Singapore Management University
Jungmin Lee, Seoul National University
Kevin Lee, University of Chicago, Booth School of Business
Kippeum Lee, Korea Institute of Public Finance
Kyungho Lee, Yale University
Marcos Lee, Queen's University
Mary Lee, ESSEC Business School
Minhee Lee, The Ohio State University
Myunghwan Andrew Lee, New York University
Nayoung Lee, University of Cincinnati
Quinlan Lee, University of Toronto
DR. RAY-SHINE LEE, Shine-In Quantitative Research