Members of The Econometric Society

Dr. David Lindequist, Miami University
Mr. Attila Lindner, University College London
Chen Ling, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics
Jorg Lingens, University of Münster
Paulo Lins, Clemson University
Barton L. Lipman, Boston University
Elliot Lipnowski, Columbia University
Melika Liporace, Tilburg University
professor Francesco Lippi, Luiss University
Prof. Marco Lippi, Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance
Quentin Lippmann, Paris School of Economics
Mr Jeremy Lise, Cornell University
professor Matti Liski, Aalto University School of Business
Mr Beining Liu, The University of Hong Kong
Bin Liu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
Ce Liu, Michigan State University
Mr Chang Liu, University of Mannheim
Dr. Chang Liu, National University of Singapore
Mr Chaojie Liu, University of Bristol
Dr. Chen Liu, National University of Singapore
Dr Cheng Liu, Wuhan University
Chenyue LIU, University of Toronto