Supplement to "Gender Differences in Peer Recognition by Economists"
David Card, Stefano DellaVigna, Patricia Funk, and Nagore Iriberri
We study the selection of Fellows of the Econometric Society, using a new data set of publications and citations for over 40,000 actively publishing economists since the early 1900s. Conditional on achievement, we document a large negative gap in the probability that women were selected as Fellows in the 1933-1979 period. This gap became positive (though not statistically significant) from 1980 to 2010, and in the past decade has become large and highly significant, with over a 100% increase in the probability of selection for female authors relative to males with similar publications and citations. The positive boost affects highly qualified female candidates (in the top 10% of authors) with no effect for the bottom 90%. Using nomination data for the past 30 years, we find a key proximate role for the Society's Nominating Committee in this shift. Since 2012 the Committee has had an explicit mandate to nominate highly qualified women, and its nominees enjoy above-average election success (controlling for achievement). Looking beyond gender, we document similar shifts in the premium for geographic diversity: in the mid-2000s, both the Fellows and the Nominating Committee became significantly more likely to nominate and elect candidates from outside the US. Finally, we examine gender gaps in several other major awards for US economists. We show that the gaps in the probability of selection of new fellows of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences closely parallel those of the Econometric Society, with historically negative penalties for women turning to positive premiums in recent years.
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Supplement to "Volatility and the Gains from Trade"
Treb Allen and David Atkin
This zip file contains the replication files for the manuscript.
It also contains an additional supplemental appendix. These Supplemental Materials contain information regarding the empirical context of the data in Section 2, robustness related to stylized facts in Section 3, the derivation and estimation of the quantitative model in Section 5, and additional tables and figures mentioned throughout the main text. Please see the Online Appendix for the derivations, proofs, and extensions of the model introduced in Section 4.
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Supplement to "Volatility and the Gains from Trade"
Treb Allen and David Atkin
This Online Appendix contains detailed derivations, proofs of propositions and extensions for the model introduced in Section 4 of the main text. Additional information regarding the empirical context of the data in Section 2, robustness related to stylized facts in Section 3, the derivation and estimation of the quantitative model in Section 5 and additional tables and figures mentioned in the main text are contained in the Supplemental Materials posted on both the authors' websites and in the replication files on the journal website.
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Supplement to "(S)Cars and the Great Recession"
Orazio Attanasio, Kieran Larkin, Morten O. Ravn, and Mario Padula
This appendix contains (i) data documentation; (ii) Details of the numerical solution method; (iii) Details on the measurement of shocks; (iv) An analysis of uncertainty shocks; (v) Details of the Clash for Clunkers analysis; (vi) Additional tables; (vii) Additional figures.
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