2023 Africa Training Workshop in Econometrics (ATWE 2023)
Climate Change and Causal Inference
June 12-June 14, 2023
Remote Only
We are pleased to announce the first Africa Training Workshop in Econometrics, which will be held on June 12-14, 2023 (fully remote).
The workshop, titled "Climate Change and Causal Inference," will combine lectures on current research in climate economics together with an introduction to causal inference methods. Topics in climate economics include the social cost of carbon, damage functions and their estimation as well as open questions in the literature. The causal inference component will include an introduction to the potential outcomes framework, randomized control trials, instrumental variables and difference-in-differences.
Lecturers (in alphabetical order)
Maximilian Auffhammer (University of California, Berkeley) Désiré Kédagni (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill).
The admission decision will be notified individually.
Information about scholarships and registration are available on the homepage of the Africa Training Workshop in Econometrics https://www.africaeconometricsociety.com/summer-schools.
For more informaton, email:Prosper.Dovonon@concordia.ca