Latin American Meeting, Santiago, Chile, November 10-12, 2011
he 2011 Latin American Meetings will be held jointly with the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association in Santiago, Chile, from November 10 to 12, 2011. The Meetings will be hosted by Universidad Adolfo Ibaniez.
The Annual Meetings of these two academic associations will be run in parallel, under a single local organization. By registering for LAMES 2011, participants will be welcome to attend to all sessions of both meetings.
The Program Chair is Andrea Repetto. The Local Organizers are Andrea Repetto, Matias Braun, Fernando Larrain and Claudio Soto.
The deadline for submissions is June 1, 2011 and decisions will be sent July 10, 2011. Authors can submit only one paper to each meeting, but the same paper cannot be submitted to both meetings.
Authors submitting papers must be a member of the respective association at the time of submission. Membership information can be found at and
A limited number of papers will be invited to be presented in poster sessions that will be organized by topic.
Further information can be found at the conference website at or by email at .