2023 Africa Training Workshop in Computational Macroeconomics

2023 Africa Training Workshop in Computational Macroeconomics (AFTW2-2023)
December 13-15, 2023
Fully Remote

We are pleased to announce the Africa Training Workshop in Computational Macroeconomics, which will be held on December 13-15, 2023 (fully remote).

The workshop, titled "Solving dynamic equilibrium models", will present methods used to solve macroeconomic models. The lectures will focus on dynamic programming, the value function iteration and perturbation methods, with applications to a variety of topics, from the consumption-saving choice to the open-economy dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model. The workshop will cover also essential numerical tools (such as optimization and root-finding algorithms) and coding best practices. The lectures will feature many examples of codes in Julia (free computational software).

This is a graduate-level course for PhD students, scholars, and professionals (with at least a master’s degree).

Registration Fees: 100 USD

Lecturers (in alphabetical order)

Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde
University of Pennsylvania

Pablo Winant
ESCP Business School

Important dates:

Deadline for application: October 15, 2023
Admission decision: October 30, 2023
Registration deadline: November 30, 2023

An applicant must be a member of the Econometric Society at the time of application. To join the Econometric Society, please go to http://www.econometricsociety.org to the drop-down membership menu. Special rates apply to students and scholars currently based in low- and low-middle income countries, and Africa-based applicants may apply for sponsored membership (for more information click here).

Applications shall be submitted through Conference Maker/Editorial Express:
Click here to submit your application.

The admission decision will be notified individually.

Information about scholarships and registration will be made available here.

For more information, email Sophie Osotimehin at osotimehin.sophie@uqam.ca.

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