2025 Africa Summer School
2025 Africa Summer School (AFSS 2025)
May 23-28, 2025
We are pleased to announce the Africa Summer School (AFSS 2025), which will be held on May 23- 28, 2025 (Hybrid) at l’École Nationale Supérieure de Statistique et d’Économie Appliquée (ENSEA) in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.
Since its inception, the AFSS has sought to bridge the gap in advanced economics and econometrics training by inviting leading academics from around the globe to share their expertise with African-based researchers and students. The aim is to foster a meaningful transfer of knowledge and methodologies through a "train-the-trainers" approach, ensuring long-term impact in the region.
In alignment with this mission, the Standing Committee of the Econometric Society Africa Region has endorsed an exciting new format for this year’s Summer School. This innovation involves pairing each international instructor with a locally based tutor who will serve as teaching assistant. This tutor will collaborate with an international invited lecture to design a three-hour workshop aimed at illustrating and applying the key methods covered in the lectures. This approach not only strengthens local capacity but also ensures a practical and context-specific application of the knowledge shared.
Important dates:
Call for applications open: 27 January 2025
Deadline for application: March 17
Admission decision: March 30
Registration deadline: April 14
The AFSS 2025 will cover the following three topics, each developed over a total of 9 to 12 hours in sections of 2 to 3-hour classes.
Topic 1. The role of technology for the structural transformation of Sub-Saharan Africa
Primary instructor: Tavneet Suri, MIT Sloan School of Management.
Teaching Assistant: Salifou Coulibaly, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Statistique et d'Economie Appliquée (ENSEA).
Topic 2. New Developments in Migration, Specialization, and Trade with focus on the developing world
Primary instructor: Heitor S. Pellegrina, University of Notre Dame.
Teaching Assistant: Romaric Coulibaly, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Statistique et d'Economie Appliquée (ENSEA).
Topic 3. New Developments on Difference-in-Deference methods
Primary instructor: Clément de Chaisemartin, Department of Economics, Sciences Po.
Teaching Assistant: Moussa Richard Kouamé, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Statistique et d'Economie Appliquée (ENSEA).
Program Committee
Firmin Doko Tchatoka (University of Adelaide, Co-Chair), Hugues Kouadio (ENSEA, Co-Chair), Romaric Coulibaly (ENSEA).
Local Committee
Hugues Kouadio (ENSEA, Chair), Romaric Coulibaly (ENSEA), Kouamé Taki (ENSEA), Olivier Droh (ENSEA), Honorine AMAN épouse Tano (ENSEA), Marie Lydie Piekoura (ENSEA).
Registration fees:
On site participation: 600 USD
Online participation: 200 USD
An applicant must be a member of the Econometric Society at the time of application. To join the Econometric Society, please go to http://www.econometricsociety.org or https://www.africaeconometricsociety.com/econometric-society-membership.
Special rates apply to students and those currently based in low- and low-middle income countries.
Financial Support:
Financial support will be available for early career researchers based in Africa and students who submit a competitive application. This support will partially cover travel expenses, accommodation, or registration fees. Requests must be submitted at the time of application.
Applications shall be submitted through Oxford Abstract: https://app.oxfordabstracts.com/stages/77864/submitter and should include:
Academics and Research Professionals:
- A motivation letter of no more than 200 words indicating the affiliation, and position.
- An updated CV, with a maximum length of one page
- [We expect to have Academics and Research professionals who have strong quantitative background. Since the number of seats is limited, we reserve the right to accept only excellent dossiers.]
Graduate Students:
- A motivation letter of no more than 200 words indicating the school, program, and level of study.
- An updated CV, with a maximum length of one page.
- Transcripts over the last two academic years.
- Two reference contacts, preferably current or former teachers. Make sure to provide their full contact information: Name, affiliation, position, e-mail address etc.
The selection will be based on these elements; candidates are therefore requested to present them carefully and thoroughly. The admission decision will be notified individually.
Information about scholarships and registration will be made available on the homepage of the Summer School at https://ensea.ed.ci/partenaires/universite-dete-africaine-2025/.
Alternative Website: https://www.africaeconometricsociety.com/summer-schools
For more information, email: afss2025@ensea.ed.ci