President's Report (2007)

Econometrica, Vol. 76, No. 5 (September, 2008), 1225–1226




IT HAS BEEN MY PLEASURE to serve as President of the Econometric Society in 2007. Fisher, Frisch, and the others who initiated the Society articulated a vision for formal, quantitative, and empirical research that continues to play out in exciting ways, albeit on a dramatically larger scale. In Frisch’s opening editorial in Econometrica he argued as follows:

Experience has shown that each of... three viewpoints, that of statistics, economic theory, and mathematics is a necessary, but not by itself a sufficient, condition for real under- standing of quantitative relationships in modern economic life. It is the unification that is powerful. And it is the unification that constitutes econometrics.

In current research this unification may take place across articles and projects, but the vision remains a powerful one for this Society.

The Econometric Society thrives through its journal, Econometrica, and its mono- graph series along with the many conferences that it organizes. The editor of Economet- rica, Stephen Morris, continues a long line of distinguished editors and is supported by excellent co-editors and associate editors. Throughout 2007, Andrew Chesher and Matt Jackson continued to recruit and edit high quality monographs. Since Matt stepped down at the end of the year, I specifically thank him for his hard work and welcome his replacement, George Mailath.

During the course of the year, I attended Society meetings in six different regions. Each of these meetings had it its own unique character. The research activity and in- tensity that I observed continues the long and healthy tradition of our Society.

North American Winter Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, January 5–7, 2007

North American Summer Meeting, Durham, North Carolina, June 21–24, 2007 Australasian Meeting, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, July 3–6, 2007

Far Eastern Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan, July 11–13, 2007

European Summer Meeting, Budapest, Hungary, August 27–31, 2007 Latin American Meeting, Bogota, Columbia, October 4–6, 2007

I appreciate the important efforts of the local organizers and the chairs of the scientific committees that made these meetings such big successes. On behalf of the Society, I thank them for their hard work.

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