2024 Australasia Meeting, Melbourne, Australia


Econometric Society Australasia Meeting
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
4 Dec – 6 Dec, 2024

We are pleased to announce that the 2024 Australasia Meeting (ESAM) hosted by the Department of Economics and the Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics at Monash University will take place from 4 Dec to 6 Dec, 2024 in Melbourne, Victoria.

The Committee Chairs are Heather Anderson, Lata Gangadharan, Jiti Gao, and Yves Zenou from Monash University.

Important Dates
Submissions open: 31 May
Submissions close: 26 July
Decision notification: 23 August
Deadline for presenters to register: 27 September
Preliminary program release: 14 October
Registration is open until: 30 November

Confirmed plenary speakers include:
Larry Samuelson, First Vice-President, Econometric Society, Yale University
Siwan Anderson, The University of British Columbia
Alison Booth, Australian National University
Xiaohong Chen, Yale University
Ben Golub, Northwestern University
Oliver Linton, University of Cambridge
Peter Phillips, Yale University, University of Auckland and Singapore Management University

Confirmed invited speakers include:
Olivier Bochet, New York University Abu Dhabi
Michela Giorcelli, University of California, Los Angeles
Yongmiao Hong, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Maarten Lindeboom, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
James Morley, University of Sydney
Andrew Patton, Duke University
Martin Peitz, University of Mannheim
Carol Propper, Imperial College London
Nicolas de Roos, University of Liverpool
Shuping Shi, Macquarie University
Liangjun Su, Tsinghua University
Eduard Talamas, IESE Business School
Roberto Weber, University of Zurich
Dora Xia, Bank for International Settlements
Songfa Zhong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Paper Submission
Paper submission is open from 31 May to 26 July, 2024. Papers can only be submitted electronically in PDF format. The submitter is the presumed presenter.

To submit a paper, you must be a member of the Econometric Society. To join or renew a membership, please visit the https://www.econometricsociety.org/membership/join-renew?/user%2fregister

To submit a paper, please go to

For more information including travel logistics, please visit the meeting website: https://esam2024.org/

Program Chairs:
• Heather Anderson
• Lata Gangadharan
• Jiti Gao
• Yves Zenou

Program Committee Members:
• Klaus Ackermann
• Natalia Bailey
• Otavio Bartalotti
• Silvio Contessi
• Quoc-Anh Do
• Stefanie Fischer
• David Frazier
• Neal Galpin
• Bonsoo Koo
• Claudio Labanca
• Anke Leroux
• Ole Maneesoonthorn
• Rigissa Megalokonomou
• Bin Peng
• Laura Puzzello
• Birendra Rai
• Michelle Rendall
• Paulo Santos
• Chengsi Wang
• Wei Wei
• Ben Wong
• Xiaojian Zhao

Local Organizing Committee
• Solmaz Moslehi
• Bin Peng
• Liang Choon Wang
• Wei Wei

For any queries regarding ESAM2024, please contact us at: esam2024@monash.edu